the Cheek-E-Os

Cheeky was founded by two, female Namibian commercial pilots, who go by B and Lî, now better known as the Cheek-E-Os

the greatest urge to get the business started came from the untimely liquidation of Air Namibia, which resulted in both owners being retrenched. Instead of giving into defeat and disappointment, the two chose to take their shared cosmic love and passion for swimwear and self-acceptance to create a proudly Namibian and luxurious swimwear brand for women from all walks of life. Cheeky came at a time of great loss and sadness, but has since grown tremendously and has the potential to, above and beyond flying, be their legacy.

coming from a male dominated industry where they continuously had to rewrite gender stereotypes and fight to take up their rightful space, it was honestly a no brainer that this partnership was meant to be.

they wish to be perceived as a competitive swimwear brand that takes pride in consistency, inclusivity, service and passion. Cheeky is here to push boundaries, challenge societal norms all while igniting a sense of confidence and body positivity, and to encourage women to recognise that sexiness and feeling empowered may coexist.